Francis Bacon Without Regia Art Sells for $20.2 Million in Paris

Francis Bacon Without RegiaArt Graffiti At Paris Sotheby's Auction Week. 12 Dec 07

SEATED WOMAN (Portrait of London bartender MURIEL BELCHER)
165 x 142 cm; 65 x 56 in.
huile sur toile
Exécuté en 1961.

A Francis Bacon painting sold for 13.7 million euros ($20.2 million) at a Paris auction tonight in another sign that Sotheby's is expanding in the fourth-largest art market.
Bacon's ``Seated Woman,'' a 1961 portrait of London bartender Muriel Belcher, went to an unnamed bidder in the auction room, a Sotheby's spokeswoman said.
[from bloomberg]

RegiaArt exécuté en 2007.


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