Artnet New Online Art Auctions

Joan Miró, Une Telle et Son Petit Mari.

Artnet online auction, a new service of was launched today.
Visit auctions here.

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If you are a gallery owner or serious collector and regularly have works of art that you would like to sell via artnet Online Auctions, please fill out the artnet seller application. After your application is reviewed by artnet, you will, if approved, be offered the opportunity to sell via artnet Online Auctions.

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Anonymous said…
I don't really like the look of Artnet. It seems so outdated even with the auctions and other additions. I think the site to look out for is They are young and rising in traffic rank. Myartspace will have an auction/shop tool soon from what I've read. Both Artnet and Myartspace blow Saatchi's little site away! Look at the profiles below and compare them to what you find on Artnet.
If you are into these kind of sites you should check out by fare the most sophisticated and interesting of all of them
Michael said…
Various aspect of introducing New Online Auctions.

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