What Is Your New Year Resolution? Investing in Art? or Selling Abstract Art?

Above big paintings by artist Regia Marinho.

Resolution for 2008 : This new year I will make my fortune in art.

General tips for your New Year resolution.
- Make only ONE resolution. The chances of success are greater when people channel their energy into changing just one thing.
- Over a cup of coffee take some time to reflect upon what you really want to achieve.
-Avoid repeating previous resolutions. Choose something new, or approach an old problem in a new way.
- Be specific. Think through exactly what you are going to do, where you are going to do it, and at what time.
- Think about what you really want out of life, such as make a living as an artist, finishing that novel, or making money online.

-Instead of thinking "I want to find a new job" focus on creating bite-sized, such as rewriting your CV each time you apply for a job. Visit Craigslist.org or indeed.com and applying for one new job as soon as you find it like every other day.
-Map out the step-by-step mini-goals that will slowly but surely take you to where you want to be, make a note of them in a diary, and stick to the plan.
- Focus on how much better life will be for you, and those around you, when you achieve your resolution. For example, if you want to be an art dealer, make a list of the benefits of being one, and place it somewhere prominent in your house.
-If you want to motivate yourself to be succesfull like Gagosian, Leo Castelli, Warhol, Prince or Hirst, find a photograph and put it in a place where you will see it each day.

- Write down your resolution on a large sheet of paper, sign it, and place it somewhere prominent in your house. Tell your friends, family and colleagues and ask them to provide you with helpful nudges to assist you in achieving your goal.
- Be optimist and persistent.
[some ideas from telegraph online]


Austin Maloney said…
Some good point's. I believt one of the easiest ways to start investing in art is to buy small original oil paintings from artists like Duane Keiser or myself. Their perfect for decorating on a budget.

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