Five-Minute Decision Is Over in Art Buying
“The days of the five-minute decision are over,” said Andreas Gegner, director of Monika Sprüth Philomene Magers’s London branch. “The guideline for the future is that quality works at good prices will sell, and bad pieces won’t.” [from artinfo]
Five-Minute Decision Is Over in Art Buying.
- Find an artwork you will love on the Internet.
- Take as much time as you want looking to the painting
- Show your friends, send via email
- Put on your blog, create a new blog for art collecting, go to
- Ask people for comments
- contact the artist with your questions
- ask for more pictures, materials,
- about price, shipping
- how long it takes to receive
- Buy it!
- Hang it!
- Make a party and show it to your friends.
Videos of Regia Marinho way of drawings at
Regia Marinho
mixed media on canvas
24x24 inches
ASK FOR PRICE send email to: