Mexican Art Collector Carlos Slim Second-Richest Man in the World
Carlos Slim Helu
Age: 68
Fortune: self made
Source: telecom
Net Worth: $60.0 bil
Country Of Citizenship: Mexico
Residence: Mexico City , Mexico, Latin America
Industry: Communications
Marital Status: widowed, 6 children
Second-richest man in the world this year; even richer than Microsoft's Bill Gates, at least for now, thanks to
strong Mexican equities market and the performance of his wireless telephone company, America Movil. The son of a Lebanese immigrant, Slim made his first fortune in 1990 when he bought fixed line operator Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) in a privatization. In December, America Movil struck a deal with Yahoo to provide mobile Web services to 16 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
A widower and father of six, Slim is a baseball fan and art collector.
He keeps his art collection in Mexico City's Museo Soumaya, which he named after his late wife.[from forbes].
Above RegiaMarinho painting.
Age: 68
Fortune: self made
Source: telecom
Net Worth: $60.0 bil
Country Of Citizenship: Mexico
Residence: Mexico City , Mexico, Latin America
Industry: Communications
Marital Status: widowed, 6 children
Second-richest man in the world this year; even richer than Microsoft's Bill Gates, at least for now, thanks to
strong Mexican equities market and the performance of his wireless telephone company, America Movil. The son of a Lebanese immigrant, Slim made his first fortune in 1990 when he bought fixed line operator Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) in a privatization. In December, America Movil struck a deal with Yahoo to provide mobile Web services to 16 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
A widower and father of six, Slim is a baseball fan and art collector.
He keeps his art collection in Mexico City's Museo Soumaya, which he named after his late wife.[from forbes].
Above RegiaMarinho painting.
World’s Largest Cataloged Archive:
Original Jumbo Lobby Cards, 1930’s-1980’s
We are seeking a Buyer for this entire Archive:
Selling Price: $495,000
Commission: $50,000 to introduce us to a Buyer (10%)
World’s Largest Cataloged Archive:
Original Jumbo Lobby Cards, 1930’s-1980’s
***Appx 150,000 oversized title/lobby cards (13" x 17")
***10,000-15,000 separate titles, 1930's-1980's
***Complete sets of 8 for most titles
***US, EUR, MX, Foreign Film Titles
From a Regional Film Archive in Mexico, that had serviced twenty
theatres over a fifty year span.
Classic and Cult Titles from US, GER, FR, ITAL, MX…
Japan, Russia, Hong Kong…..
150,000 Original Vintage Lobby Cards from MX
Hundreds of One-Sheets
Scores of Banners, Theatre Displays, etc etc etc
CATALOG---140 LISTS & 5,000 JPGS:
*Abbott and Costello
*Animated Films
*Anthony Quinn
*Audie Murphy
*Audrey Hepburn
*Boris Karloff
*Brigitte Bardot
*Clark Gable
*Clint Eastwood
*Comedy Stars---Marx, Chaplin, L&H, A&C, 3Stooge, etc
*Cowboy & Western
*Cult MX Wrestlers
*Dean Martin
*Disney Animation
*Disney Live Action
*Dope, Drugs, Narcs
*Doris Day
*Elizabeth Taylor
*Elvis Presley
*Epoca de Oro---Mexican Films: 1940’s-1960’s
*Epoca de Oro/MX Films---Spectacular School of Poster Artists
*Errol Flynn
*European Film Posters: France, Italy, Germany
*European Film Posters: Multi-National Productions
*Film Noir Classics
*Frank Capra
*Frank Sinatra
*Gary Cooper
*Gladiator, Epic, Myth, Legend
*Gone With The Wind---THEATER DISPLAYS
*Grace Kelly, Monaco, Monte Carlo
*Great International Film Directors
*Humphrey Bogart
*James Cagney
*James Dean
*James Stewart
*Japanese Films
*Jerry Lewis
*John Wayne
*Jungle Films
*Laurel and Hardy
*Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Hopalong, Gene Autry, Misc Cowboys
*Lucille Ball
*Marilyn Monroe
*Marlon Brando
*Martial Arts Movie Posters---BLee, JChan, Misc Oriental Martial Arts
*Martin and Lewis
*Mexican Cinema---Epoca de Oro---11x14 lobby cards with photograph
*Mexican Cinema---1960’s-1980’s
*MX Film---Comic & Caricature (Tin-Tan, Resortes, Capulina, etc)
*MX Film---Cowboy Movies
*MX Film---Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy
*MX Film---Serials, 1940’s-1960’s
*Orson Welles
*Peter Sellers
*Raquel Welch
*Ray Harryhausen FX
*Red Skelton
*Religious Films
*Rock & Roll, Adolescents, Bad Girls, Motorcycles, Hot Rods
*Roger Corman
*Ronald Reagan
*Russian Films
*Sam Fuller
*Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Monster, Space
*Sex Goddesses: Mansfield, Van Doren, Ekberg, Bardot, Monroe
*Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll
*Spaghetti Westerns
*Steve McQueen
*Superman, Batman, Capt America, Flash Gordon, Capt Marvel
*Tarzan, Jungle Jim, Bomba, Sabu, Jungle
*Vintage Hollywood, 1940’s-1950’s
*Vincent Price
*Vivien Leigh
*Woody Allen
Based on current and past sales of single random Mexican Lobby Cards on
eBay (by others)---this Archive would gross over $1,200,000 (appx $8/card).
Based on the past few years of our sales from our web page---
to collectors seeking specific titles/directors/genres---
this Archive would gross appx $3,000,000 (appx $20/card).
Based on sales of individual pieces in Galleries and Museum Shops---this
Archive would gross over $7,500,000 (appx $50/card).
***The buyer might be a large Corporation, Institution, Foundation.
***The buyer might be a Celebrity, Actor, Director, Producer.
***The buyer might be a Mass Merchandiser or Chain Store.
***The buyer might be a Museum or Gallery.
***The buyer might be a Shop Owner:
Posters, Records, Books, Pop Culture.
***The buyer might be a large Hotel, Restaurant,
Publisher or Design Firm.
***The buyer may be in Hollywood, Tokyo, Berlin, Paris, NY……
The World's Largest CATALOGED Archive of
Original Jumbo LOBBY CARDS from Mexico (1930's-1980's)
is seeking a new Home
No Country had seen more film than had Mexico. While we in the US were
growing up on Sit-Coms and Game Shows---the movie-goers all over the
Republic of Mexico were enjoying films from the Great International
Directors: De Sica, Buñuel, Kurosawa, Fellini, Truffaut, Jodorosky,
Cacoyannis, etc.
And the B-Films, Pot-Boilers and Film Noir Classics from the United States
and Europe. Martial Arts Films from China and Hong Kong. Sci-Fi and Horror
from the 1930's, 1950's, and the Italian Masters of the 60's and 70's.
Gladiator Epics by the score, Erotica and Paris Night Club Revues,Worldwide
Animation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spaghetti Westerns from Italy, Spain, Germany. Comedy from early Laurel
& Hardy films. Musicals galore. Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll from the 1950's,
1960's, 1970's.
Hammer, Harryhausen, SFuller, Corman. RKO, MGM, Warners, Paramount,
Allied Artists! Stunning art from early SLoren, BBardot, ZLaskari, Marcello...
And Mexico also had its own Great Film Industry. Cantinflas, GFigueroa,
MFelix, PInfante...Badu & Guiu. Brilliant Illustrations from Ernesto
Garcia Cabral. The Glory of 'The EPOCA de ORO' of Mexican Cinema.
The Archives consists of 150,000 (13" x 17") Jumbo Lobby Cards,
representing the wealth of World Cinema for a fifty year span. (Appx 10-15,000
different US, EUR, MX Film Titles.)
And many extras: Theatre Displays (GWTW, 2001), One-Sheet Posters,
Half-Sheets, etc.
150,000 Jumbo Lobby Cards from Mexico, 1930’s-1980’s
Vast CATALOGED Collection of Mexican Lobby Cards
10-15,000 separate titles from US, MX, EUR:
***100 Animation Titles
***100 Cult MX Wrestler Titles
***100 Tarzan & Jungle Titles
***120 Spaghetti Western Titles
***130 Dope, Drugs, Narcotics Titles
***140 Erotica Titles
***170 Disney Titles
***175 Sword & Sandal Titles
***180 Martial Arts Titles
***200 Great Intl Directors Titles
***300 Film Noir Titles
***700 Exploitation, Adolescent, R&R, Hot Rod, Motorcycle, etc Titles
***700 Sci-Fi/Horror/Monster Titles
***1000’s of War, Western, Spy Titles
***1000’s of Classic US Titles
***1000’s of Cult Titles
***1000’s of Foreign Titles
(Sets of 8 for most titles)
***Cult, Classic, Sci-Fi, Westerns, Exploitation, Disney, Martial Arts,
Epoca de Oro, Horror, Spy, Drama, Comedy, Animation, Religious,
Nazi, Sex/Drugs/Rock & Roll, War, Elvis, Bogart, MMonroe, BBardot,
Brando, JWayne, Beatles, Circus, Sports,RCorman, SFuller, Rharryhausen,
Betty Page, Gladiator, Russian, Japanese, French, Italian, German,
Mexican, GWTW, Great Intl Directors, etc etc etc............
Grand Legacy of the Movie Industry in MEXICO, 1930's-1980's
Vast Collection of 150,000 Vintage Original Movie Posters,
One of the world’s largest collections of Original, Vintage Movie
Posters has been purchased in Mexico,
and is now housed in the SO BAY area of San Diego, CA.
This collection of 150,000 13”x17” oversized title/lobby cards from MX
spans the years of 1930's-1980's.
It contains the wealth and variety of over 15,000 cult and classic film
titles---from the US, Europe, Mexico and other Foreign Lands.
The graphics are stunning! They are all original and from the Major
Film Studios, contemporaneous with each film’s release worldwide.
However, these very special 13”x17” posters have a much greater density
of art and images than posters from any other country.
Classic Illustrations, Drawings, Photographs, and Stills all laid out on each
Film Poster. Melodramatic BALLYHOO (in Spanish, of course),
and original Cast and Credits, and unique fonts for the Film’s title:
all round out the overall design of each unique Movie Poster.
Not only did Mexico have a grand and glorious Film Industry during their
own ‘EPOCA DE ORO’ (Golden Age---1930’s-1960), but also the general
population of Mexico had a much greater opportunity to see the entire spectrum of
Films produced worldwide. Classic oldies from MGM and Warners and RKO;
internationally famous directors like De Sica, Truffaut, Buñuel,
Kurosawa, Fellini, Resnais, Ray (India); and lurid Cult Films from the worldwide
vaults of Horror, Sci-Fi, Adolescent Exploitation, MX Wrestlers, Italian
Westerns and Gladiator Epics, Martial Arts, Sex/Drugs/Rock&Roll, etc etc.
The collection has been displayed and publicized worldwide via the
Internet; and is available for exhibition and promotional events.
Vast Collection of 150,000 Vintage Original Movie Posters, 1935-1980
One of the world’s largest collections of Original, Vintage Movie
Posters has been purchased in Mexico, and is now housed in the
SO BAY area of San Diego, CA.
This collection of 13”x17” oversized title/lobby cards from MX spans the
years of 1935-1985. It contains the wealth and variety of tens of thousands
of classic film titles from the US, Europe, Mexico and other Foreign Lands.
150,000 of these posters have been carefully sorted and cataloged into
pertinent generic film categories:
Abbott and Costello
Animated Films
Brigitte Bardot
Bullfight Movie Posters
Circus Movie Posters
Clark Gable
Clint Eastwood
Comedy Stars---Marx, Chaplin, L&H, A&C, 3Stooge, etc
Cowboy & Western Movie Posters
Cult MX Wrestlers
Disney Animation
Disney Live Action
Dope, Drugs, Narcs
Elvis Presley
Epoca de Oro---Mexican Films: 1940’s-1960’s
Epoca de Oro---MX films---Spectacular School of Movie Poster Artists
European Film Posters: France, Italy, Germany
European Film Posters: Multi-National Productions
Film Noir Classics
Frank Sinatra
Gary Cooper
Gladiator, Epic, Myth, Legend (Sword & Sandal)
Great International Film Directors
Hitchcock Film Posters
Humphrey Bogart
James Dean
Japanese Films
Jerry Lewis
John Wayne
Jungle Films
Kubrick Film Posters
Laurel and Hardy
Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Hopalong, Gene Autry, Misc Cowboys
Marilyn Monroe
Marlon Brando
Martial Arts Movie Posters---BLee, JChan, Misc Oriental Martial Arts
Martin and Lewis
Mexican Cinema---Epoca de Oro---11x14 lobby cards with photograph
MX Film Posters---Comic & Caricature (Tin-Tan, Resortes, Capulina, etc)
MX Film Posters---Cowboy Movies
MX Film Posters---Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy
MX Film Posters---Serials, 1940’s-1960’s
One-sheet and larger odd-sized posters
Rock & Roll, Adolescents, Bad Girls, Motorcycles, Hot Rods
Ronald Reagan
Russian Films
Sam Fuller Film Posters
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Monster, Space---10,000 posters
Sex Goddesses: Mansfield, Van Doren, Ekberg, Bardot, Monroe
Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll
Soccer Movie Posters
Spaghetti Westerns
Sports Film Posters
Superman, Batman, Capt America, Flash Gordon, Capt Marvel
Tarzan, Jungle Jim, Bomba, Sabu, Jungle
Vietnam Movie Posters
Vintage Hollywood, 1940’s-1950’s---10,000 posters
The graphics are stunning! They are all original and from the Major
Film Studios, contemporaneous with each film’s release worldwide. However,
these very special 13”x17” posters have a much greater density of art and
images than posters from any other country. Classic Illustrations, Drawings,
Photographs, and Stills all laid out on each Film Poster. Melodramatic
BALLYHOO (in Spanish, of course), and original Cast and Credits, and
unique fonts for the Film’s title: all round out the overall design of each
unique Movie Poster.
Not only did Mexico have a grand and glorious Film Industry during their
own ‘EPOCA DE ORO’ (Golden Age---1930’s-1960), but also the general
population of Mexico had a much greater opportunity to see the entire spectrum of
Films produced worldwide. Classic oldies from MGM and Warners and RKO;
internationally famous directors like De Sica, Truffaut, Buñuel, Kurosawa,
Fellini, Resnais, Ray (India); and lurid Cult Films from the worldwide
vaults of Horror, Sci-Fi, Adolescent Exploitation, MX Wrestlers, Italian
Westerns and Gladiator Epics, Martial Arts, Sex/Drugs/Rock&Roll, etc etc.
The collection has been displayed and publicized worldwide via the
Internet; and is available by appointment to Publishers, Galleries,
Museums, and Serious Collectors.