Next Year the Right Time to Begin an Art Collection?

- troubling economic times are bad times to sell art.
- troubling economic times are good times to buy it.
- they are good time to visit artists studios.
- they are good time to freelancer.
- times to brainstorm over a coffee.
- they might be just the time to begin an art collection.
- troubling economic times a good time to incubate new ideas.
- troubling economic times create the right conditions for new movements to develop.

New movements like regianism "the line expressionism began by artist Regia Marinho".

more regiaart videos on youtube.

Peggy Guggenheim bought a lot of hers artworks just as Germany was poised to invade France in 1940. Everybody, including the artists, wanted to get out of Paris -- except Peggy, who toured the studios, picking up bargains.
Post inspired by Commentary by Martin Gayford at bloomberg.
more regiaart here.


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