
Showing posts from July, 2008

Christie's Will Auction Art Collection of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge

Valentino Talks About His Art Collection

Are You Borrowing Against Fine Art?

Are You Investing in the Primary or Secondary Art Market?

Debra and Leon Black One of the Most Active Art Collectors in the World

Sarah Jessica Parker Art Competition Reality Show on Bravo

Who Are the Residents?

Mollie Dent-Brocklehurst the Center for Contemporary Culture Moscow Coordinator

Warhols and Lichtensteins Stolen in Sweden

Berlin Opening Museum to Vampires, Monsters, Spooks Art

Russia's richest woman buys Fame Academy mansion for £50m

Dutch Painter Faker of Vermeers

Norman Kleeblatt on Action / Abstraction Art

How to Say ‘Richistan’ in Portuguese

For the Rich Art Collector - Portrait of Sergei Lavrov

Philippe Vergne Bring Hope to Dia Art Foundation

Art And Fashion - Part of the Mix

Rich Investors Turn to Art

Apple New York iPhone 3G Lines Start

Billionaire Art Collector Governor Resigns in Russia

IPHONE 3G for your wall - Regia Art Show

Mr Hess an Avid Art Collector

BLOOD HELL IPHONE Painting Regia Art

MacGregor British Museum Director Said No to the Metropolitan Museum